Compliant Disposal of Flexible Barrier Isolators

A benefit to flexible containment compared to rigid isolators can be the clean-up and disposal process.  FabOhio, Inc. is proud to be the originator in creating flexible isolation systems that bring our clients long-term cost savings to a disposable option for their containment needs.  It is our recommendation to maintain compliant disposal of all waste flows, including glove bags, collapsible rooms, sample packages, etc.  Disposal must be performed using standard site procedures approved by site management including Environmental, Quality, and Health & Safety representatives.  Site Management is ultimately responsible for the environmental legacy of the site.

The simplest path for solid waste is in a secure waste bag or drum meeting the requirements of the Waste Hauler. Typical limitations are a waste receiver not more than 90 days in service, no free standing water, and a moisture content typically <15%.

Ways to achieve this involve using a 2-fluid air brush, set-up to deliver an encapsulating water fog (high surface tension ca. 70 dynes/sq. cm such as distilled) for both soluble and insoluble materials and cat litter to absorb standing water. Even large enclosures can be encapsulated by delivering as little as 10 cc of water. Materials encapsulation only requires a fraction of the amount normally used to wet lockdown powders i.e. the first step of FabOhio, Inc. space cleaning procedure.

Once the free powder is encapsulated, the enclosure is collapsed by expelling the air content through the HEPA filter. The encapsulation method will not damage HEPA filters. The collapsed enclosure can now be folded sufficiently to be placed in an in-use waste container (less than 90 days in service). If the work area uses waste bags it is prudent to allow for the bag to eventually be consolidated into a waste drum compatible with the Waste Hauliers conveyancing system to the charging chute and coffin of their incinerator.

As a waste stream, the flexible enclosure becomes a part of the site and Hauliers waste manifest for Environmental Control purposes. FabOhio, Inc considerers incineration is the safest and best practice waste disposal method since it does not create an environmental legacy.  Contact us at FabOhio, Inc. with any questions, we would be more than happy to discuss disposable glovebag systems for your business’ custom containment needs.

Written by Brian Ward, PhD, CSci, CChem, FRSC

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