Our History

Solving containment challenges for nearly six decades.

1963: FabOhio Opened for Business

FabOhio, Inc. opened for business in 1963 and continues to operate at the same facility in Uhrichsville, Ohio. The core business is the same as when we started—engineering flexible synthetic films for use as barrier isolation and containment in many forms and applications.

With over 60 years of experience we can reasonably claim to be foremost experts in conceptual design, fabrication, and application of flexible barriers and containment for a wide range of industry needs.

FabOhio 60th Anniversary
Flexible Containment System

1993: FabOhio Revolutionized Flexible Barriers

A client approached FabOhio, Inc. in 1993 with a revolutionary proposal. Flexible barriers had made little impact in the glass and polished steel world of Pharmaceuticals, and certainly not in the processing side of the business.

We provided early prototype designs and ultimately production scale glovebags and other barriers. With proven performance and cost data, our client recognized the multiple benefits of flexible barriers across their entire research, development, and manufacturing operations.

Solving Impossible Containment Challenges Since 1963

Since that early partnership, our team has addressed many otherwise impossible containment challenges, especially for retrofit where space considerations preclude other approaches. As a result, they have accumulated over 60 man years of dedicated support to the Pharmaceutical industry.

FabOhio, Inc. is proud to be a partner and originator in creating flexible and disposable containment solutions throughout every aspect of research, development, and manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical industry. We look forward to challenging the status quo of current containment practices in your lab, manufacturing, or assembly line processes to provide cost, efficiency, and resource savings.


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