Laboratory Containment
Replacing the need for laboratory hoods, and enhancing the performance of both bench and walk-in hoods, are ideal applications for flexible enclosures and glovebags. Cart-mounted isolators add mobility and movement within and between laboratories, in addition to extending the workspace. Such isolators can be designed to dock with similar dock-able equipment extending the useful life of each item without the burden of cleaning and validation.
The mobility also affords a means of safely storing equipment and materials out of the laboratory in a secure custodial storage location until needed for further processing or packaging for release.
In addition, we can provide equipment enclosures with access points to key utilities and functionality, custom designed for each piece of equipment’s unique features.
Synthetic Route Development
Laboratory Hoods can be too small to allow for unloading of a movable filter dryer. A flexible enclosure can be created that allowed for removal of product from the dryer, final drying in a vacuum oven, and packaging before removing the product from the enclosure. All equipment exteriors can be cleaned in place.
Complete replacement of need for a laboratory hood is achieved using appropriate absorption cartridges to scrub off-gases.
Laboratory Hood Enhancement
Replacing the need for laboratory hoods, and enhancing the performance of both bench and walk-in hoods, are ideal applications for flexible enclosures and glovebags. Cart mounted glovebags add mobility and movement within and between laboratories, in addition to extending the workspace. Since flexible enclosures are clean upon arrival, no cleaning and validation is necessary. Many off-gases can be scrubbed using appropriate absorption cartridges.
Equipment Enclosures
Laboratory equipment comes in many shapes and sizes with each piece having its own unique set of utilities, e.g. electrical power, cooling water, airflow, computer hook-up cables, etc. With the help of flexible isolators and containment, all of the unique connection points and hook-ups can be accessible through sealed pass-throughs.
Alternatively, enclosures can also be mounted to rigid door frames for access. Please internal temperatures can be tolerated up to 180F continuous and 200F transient. Many off-gases can be scrubbed using appropriate absorption cartridges.
FabOhio, Inc. flexible enclosures can provide labortory equipment with material integrity, security, identity, and storage to meet specififed requirements.
Custom Glovebag
System Design
Our team regularly addresses and solves otherwise impossible containment challenges with custom glovebag system design, especially for retrofit where space considerations preclude other approaches.
FabOhio, Inc. is proud to be a partner and originator in creating flexible and disposable containment solutions throughout every aspect of research, development and manufacturing.